Mimpi itu indah tetapi hanya kekal mimpi jika kita tidak ber-aksi. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we want to this and be that, we will do this and do that; always wanting to achieve great things. However we fail to follow up our great dreams with greatactions. Sering menunda, always side-tracked, selalu beralasan dan forever scared with the big step.
I too am guilty of this self deception, and I have this additional problem of disliking making a decision by myself, ALWAYS always have to hear a 2nd opinion. Selalu apabila bermimpi aku bersemangat tetapi datangnya masalah keluarga menyekat aku bingung dan lupakan mimpi dan idaman.
Waiting for the day I can work hard, play hard and pray harder. and I don't mind having the day to have actually settled down with a partner for life and partner for business....
Coffeshop of my own, InsyaAllah it will happen. :)
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