Saturday, August 11, 2012


Mimpi itu indah tetapi hanya kekal mimpi jika kita tidak ber-aksi. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we want to this and be that, we will do this and do that; always wanting to achieve great things. However we fail to follow up our great dreams with greatactions. Sering menunda, always side-tracked, selalu beralasan dan forever scared with the big step.

I too am guilty of this self deception, and I have this additional problem of disliking making a decision by myself, ALWAYS always have to hear a 2nd opinion. Selalu apabila bermimpi aku bersemangat tetapi datangnya masalah keluarga menyekat aku bingung dan lupakan mimpi dan idaman.

Waiting for the day I can work hard, play hard and pray harder. and I don't mind having the day to have actually settled down with a partner for life and partner for business....

Coffeshop of my own, InsyaAllah it will happen. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chill Lesson

Love how this song would give the impression of a bad-ass song, instead its a song bout talking bout a lot of  life lessons-e.g: tak guna bawak pisau ke peraduan menembak.

Kongsi kongsi mari bicara kongsi pendapat dan juga idea.
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi
Kita duduk diam





When I was in high school I remember two of my favorite malay literature. I will always remember my bahasa melayu teacher, sad to say that I forgot her name. She was strict, but kind.

My two favorite malay literature was 'Kasut' and 'Diari seorang pengawas'. Both of them are in the anthology 'Sehijau warna daun'.