Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kerja and amal same ah?

What does 'kerja' means in arabic?

It is 'amal', where I learned recently from a motivation talk by Ustaz Apandi, in a seminar organised by Etiqa takaful. Every little thing we do is a work, no matter what the intentions are.

Oh, there is so much to share, from what I have heard from the talk. The most important point in the seminar,  a tip given from En. Danial was that in life. One must have a purpose, or 'matlamat hidup'. What ever one wishes in life. Write, plan in down stick it on your work station, in your car , or wherever. So that everyday one will be always know what his or her life ambition are. Auto suggestion in the mind, say it out loud everyday, 'masin mulut' and you'll get it.

Happens to me when I wish for a sega 16-bit. I remember that I was 10 years old. Accompanied ibu to Stirling for her PhD. Before I sleep, staring at the ceiling and keep repeating that I want a sega 16-bit. The next day we went to car boot sale and I got the game. For half the price, we managed to get away with the price before the real owner shows up. Alhamdulillah.

It was a long time ago. The console was nowhere to be found, probably was given to someone else. I missed those sega games. Even though the graphic and  the gameplay is nowhere near today gaming standards, some things can't be replaced. All those sweet memories.

Back to what I want to share from the seminar, the importance of having 'matlamat hidup' is like this. Imagine  the genie from Aladin inquire you three wishes. What are your wishes? It happens impromptu. Obscure goals will lead you to something else, whilst too late and the genie leaves you. Such is the significance of having a clear goal in life.

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